Aluminium, Serum

Prolabs India’s Aluminium, Serum test measures levels of aluminium, aiding in the assessment of systemic exposure to this metal. This diagnostic service provides valuable information for evaluating potential health risks associated with aluminium toxicity and guiding preventive measures.

SKU: AF197 Category: Tags: ,


Prolabs India offers testing for Aluminium in serum, providing valuable insights into the body's systemic levels of this metal. Aluminium is a naturally occurring element found in food, water, medications, and various consumer products. Elevated levels of aluminium in serum may indicate excessive exposure, which can occur through sources such as cookware, antacids, cosmetics, or industrial processes. Monitoring aluminium levels in serum helps healthcare professionals assess exposure and potential health risks associated with aluminium toxicity, guiding preventive measures and management strategies.

  • On-time Blood collection 99.9% 99.9%
  • Call support 80% 80%
  • web support 85% 85%
  • instant consultation 95% 95%


Why do I need a blood test?

A blood test is often required to assess various aspects of your health. It helps in diagnosing medical conditions, monitoring ongoing treatments, and understanding your overall well-being.

What information can a blood test provide?

A blood test can provide a wide range of information including but not limited to: levels of various blood components (such as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets), cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, indicators of organ function, presence of infections or diseases, and more.

How do I prepare for a blood test?

Preparation for a blood test can vary depending on the specific test being conducted. In general, you might be asked to fast for a certain period of time (usually overnight) for tests like lipid profile or blood glucose tests. It’s important to follow any instructions provided by your healthcare provider or the laboratory where the test will be conducted.

Do I need to make an appointment for a blood test?

In most cases, yes, you will need to schedule an appointment for a blood test. This ensures that the laboratory can allocate sufficient time and resources for your test and minimizes waiting times.

Do I need to make an appointment for a blood test?

In most cases, yes, you will need to schedule an appointment for a blood test. This ensures that the laboratory can allocate sufficient time and resources for your test and minimizes waiting times.

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